5 Door lock problems that should not be ignored

An essential element of anyone’s home or property is safety. Securing your homes with updated and smart locks does not mean that your work is done. You may still find yourself searching “locksmith near me“. Like the rest of the fixtures, your door locks will also experience wear and tear and thereby require maintenance.

The majority of individuals that own any property will confirm that they have had door lock issues at some time. Unfortunately, problems with door locks are not something that can be overlooked. If ignored, door lock issues can quickly escalate into more serious situations.

Something that you consider trivial can cause your security to be exposed and susceptible to invasion in some circumstances. Unfortunately, most individuals wait until a grave situation to call a locksmith. According to our Dubai locksmith, these are 5 door lock issues you shouldn’t procrastinate for.

1.      Door Handles or Locks That Are Loose

A door lock comprises numerous moving elements, each of which is critical to the property’s protection. Some of the components may become loose over time. The most common cause of loose doorknob handles and locks is natural wear and tear from continuous use. This is particularly true of locks installed on external doors that are used as common entry and exit points.

Loosened door locks may not appear to be the most worrisome when it comes to door lock issues. Wait until you will find yourself unable to enter your house and out on the streets looking for locksmiths in Dubai. This isn’t even the worst scenario you might find yourself in. Forcibly entering a house accounts for 58.3 percent of house break-ins. If your door locks are not fixed, invaders will have an easier time exploiting your lock faults.

You may need to repair the screws and other components of your door lock if they are damaged or worn out. You can dismantle the lock and figure out what you need to do, but if the issue becomes too complex, don’t be afraid to call for lock repair Dubai services.

2.      Broken key inside the lock

It’s not a good place to be in if your key breaks within your lock. Unless you’re a locksmith, dislodging the key’s component is a difficult task. You’ll need a locksmith in Dubai who offers damaged key extraction.

The situation is worse if the lock in question is of a car. Hastily trying to retrieve the key pieces can damage the lock further. Any locksmith will not work. There is a specific key removal kit, and you will have to contact a professional car key maker Dubai that fixes and does car key replacement.

The door lock should be checked after the key parts have been recovered. With a spare key, see that the bolt is functioning correctly and that the locking mechanism is not damaged. If your lock is broken, you’ll need to get it fixed or even replace it.

3.      Misaligned Door locks

A misaligned door is one of the most common reasons people find their door unable to lock.  This can be due to the door’s hinges, how it fits in the framing, the striking plate, or the lock placement. It’s a frequent door lock issue caused by poor installation or the door bending due to climate changes. In addition, it prevents the door lock from fully turning, which is why you don’t hear the typical “click”.

It is simple to realign the door if you have the appropriate equipment and abilities. You can try to line the lock with the latch by unscrewing it from the door panel. If you’re not sure why it’s misaligned and don’t have the equipment to fix it, it’s best to leave it to the professional locksmiths Dubai has to take care of it. As mentioned before, it’s possible that your lock was never correctly installed in the first place.

If you chose to ignore it, the situation would only become worse. You will constantly exert pressure on the lock bolt or latch every time you try to close the door, leading it to break as well.

4.      A Turning Lock Cylinder

When you insert a key in a lock, the key should effortlessly spin, locking and unlocking the door. When the complete cylinder of the lock twists, there is a severe problem. The locking mechanism is blocked by a cylinder that revolves with the key. You could be locked out of your home, or you might not be able to lock it, leaving it exposed.

If the entire lock cylinder is spinning, the problem is most likely a broken or unfastened set screw. In this case, the screw will need to be replaced or tightened. Though this appears to be a simple remedy, the problem may be more complicated. The setscrews that hold the cylinder in place are usually only accessible by your Dubai locksmiths.

5.      Jammed Locks

If you find yourself using force to lock or open your door, realize that it is more than a minor inconvenience. You can still go in and out of your home, but the problem will persist and eventually lead to the handle or lock not moving at all.

Over time, dirt and filth accumulate in locks, blocking them and making them harder to operate. This should not be overlooked since they can lead to more serious issues, such as breaking a key in the lock. The door lock will also be jammed if the latch or lock bolt is broken, which can be a sign of an attempted break-in.

This may be the simplest of all the issues on this list to resolve independently. First, remove any dust and filth from your lock, keyhole, and door mechanism around the edge of the door. Use a graphite lubricant to assist the component in moving smoothly and minimizing friction, which can slow down the lock’s functioning. Use only a lock lubricant suggested by a locksmith Dubaisince other lubricants will cause greater clogging over time.


While some of these problems may be resolved at home, it is best to get them examined and fixed by an expert to avoid further complications.

If you’re seeking dependable locksmiths in Dubai, you’ve come to the right place. We provide car key replacement Dubai, key making Dubai, key duplication Dubai, deadbolt repair, and lock installation. For any door lock emergencies, give us a call right away, or send us an email with any locksmith questions.