Smart Locks vs. Traditional Locks: Which Is More Secure? – A Dubai Locksmith Guide

If you’re considering installing new locks on your house or are working on building, you’re likely to be torn between conventional and intelligent locks. You’re familiar with traditional locks, and that’s what you’ve been using for years. However, you’d like your locks to have the most modern features and provide the security currently being offered by Dubai locksmith and will be in the near future. This is the reason you may be thinking about smart locks that incorporate the latest technology at your disposal. Have a look at traditional locks as well as smart locks to discover the distinctions and determine which is the best option for your home’s security.

Traditional Locks

The term “traditional lock” often is the standard lock that most of us use at our door. A lock that opens by using a key is a traditional lock and is quite widespread in our homes. There are various kinds of these locks, but the main thing that differentiates them from smart locks is that they’re operated by hand, unlike the smart locks, which are operated by an automated system. Traditional locks are an excellent choice, but it’s best to speak to your locksmith and get his advice on what would best fit your doors at home.

Smart Locks

Many people are cautious about smart locks because they are difficult to understand and confusing to operate. However, this isn’t the case in the least! All you need to do is understand how your smart lock functions by experimenting with it for a while, and you’ll be able to use it! Similar to the traditional lock, there’s an array of options in smart locks as well. There’s the option of getting one equipped with an electronic pad, speech recognition, or fingerprint lock from Dubai locksmith. The list goes indefinitely, and it all depends on your needs when choosing the perfect home security lock.

How Secure are Traditional Locks?

Anyone who can browse the internet and possess a little expertise can pick the most common locks. Certain deadbolt locks are difficult to choose, and with proper installation, you could make it difficult to pick an ordinary lock. Alongside picking locks, people who want to gain entry often employ brute force to open the lock. It is possible to do this with the proper tools or kick the door. The installation of a strike plate will make it more difficult to use force to open the front door.

Certain deadbolts are more secure than others. They can be awarded an ANSI grade of 1. This indicates they are of the most security. Even with the safest conventional locks, the addition of strike plates or a longer deadbolt throw is often essential to increase their security. It is also possible to search at locks impervious to locking picking lock bumping as well as other ways to break through the locks. Although traditional locks can be extremely safe, they may have less security than smart locks. This may not be a problem in the case of the lock that you select from Dubai locksmith for smart and the standard lock you pick.

How Secure are Smart Locks?

If you take a look at the most basic smart locks, they’re just one of the ways to automate the traditional lock. The mechanism for locking could be identical. However, it can be operated via remote and electronic. What differentiates smart locks is the required form of interaction compared to conventional locks.

Although smart locks bought from a locksmith in Dubai provide ease of use and are locked at any time, should you do not lock them up, they’re exactly like traditional locks in security. Because most smart locks operate using a traditional deadbolt, they’re the same as conventional locks.

The only drawback you’ll discover in comparing the smart lock with standard locks lies in the additions you can put in place to enhance their security. Certain smart locks cannot be utilized with specific additional features because of the way they’re designed. Traditional locks are more suited to modifications in the event of a need to improve security.


This is one area where Smart Locks come out with the best results. The possibility of letting someone in your home from far away is fantastic. Particularly if you have kids who are prone to losing their keys throughout school time. In the present time and age, most people are always on the go, and it’s a great option to make sure you’re not locked out.

For Traditional Locks, if you wish to permit an individual access to your home even when you’re not there the house, you must give them a key or place them under the rug (which we strongly discourage). Both can lead to security problems, as it’s a clear invitation to anyone who stumbles upon it, and you’re relying on that someone will not be able to retrieve the keys. The use of a Traditional Lock also means that should you lose your keys or have to lock yourself out, whoever has access to the key would have to visit your home to allow you into your home physically.

But a smartphone is in the process of running out of battery, not having an internet connection, or anything that interferes with the Bluetooth can mean that you may get locked out of the Smart Lock. The majority of Smart Locks have an override feature to prevent this. However, it is possible that you will feel this defeats the point that a Smart Lock is a lock for your door. A physical key will always be free in battery or even lose connectivity.


There is no lock that is completely safe, so it’s a given that regardless of the lock you’ve put on your home, It is better to discuss the specifics of the requirements with a locksmith professional. We’ll guide you in choosing the best lock that is best for you and offer you suggestions on how to improve security measures. This means that your home will be safer than ever.