How To Make A Range Rover Duplicate Key? FAQs

If you have lost your Range Rover key, or just need a spare, you may be wondering how to find a Range Rover key duplication service. It is actually quite easy! In this blog post, we will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about making duplicate keys for Range Rovers. We will also provide some tips on how to ensure that your key duplication is done correctly. So, if you are in need of a new Range Rover key, keep reading!

Q1: I can’t get into my Range Rover because I’ve misplaced the keys. Since I don’t have a backup, I’ll need to get a new one. Where can I get a replacement key, and how can I acquire it?

In general, you can choose between the following three paths:

  • Make a call to an automobile locksmith that specialises in Range Rover vehicles and provides mobile services.
  • Bring the vehicle to the dealer in a tow.
  • Online key orders will be fulfilled by the local dealer or locksmith, who will then cut and programme the key for you (if necessary).

Caution is advised because the model and year of your Range Rover determine the type of key that you need to use. Therefore, the alternatives for getting a new key created and programmed depend on whether you require a remote, an intelligent fob, a push-to-start button, a transponder, or a standard key. If you need a regular key, then your options are more limited.

Q2: Where can I get a replacement key for my Range Rover in the area? How to locate a dealer or locksmith, as well as the information that you should provide to them.

  • First things first, double check that you have the correct year, brand, and model, such as a 2021 Range Rover.
  • Additionally, make a note of the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) of the automobile, which can be found on the left side of the dashboard, close to the mirror. The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) allows the locksmith or dealer to verify the year, make, and model of the vehicle, as well as identify the key that was used.
  • Also, keep in mind that many locksmiths provide mobile services and are willing to drive up to 30 miles in either direction from the location of their establishment. Therefore, depending on where you are located, it may be a good idea to broaden your search and contact for a few extra quotes, even if these locksmiths appear to be located a significant distance from you when you look at a map.
  • Keep in mind that the distance that you see between you and them on the map corresponds to their physical and current business address, not their actual location. You need only make certain that they have the necessary tools to cut and programme the key for your Range Rover and that is all you need to do.
  • You might also give a couple Range Rover dealerships in the vicinity of your location, call and inquire about their services, but keep in mind that you’ll have to tow the vehicle there.
  • Last but not least, check that you have the documentation required to prove that you are the owner of the vehicle, such as the title, an identification card, and an insurance card.

Q3: How much does it cost to replace a Range Rover key? If you don’t have the original key, how much does it cost to get a replacement for a Range Rover? What would you say the typical pricing is?

To summarise, the cost to replace a key for a Land Range Rover can range anywhere from $120 to $380. The price is dependent on a variety of different factors, including:

  • The kind of key that you require.
  • The year in which the automobile was manufactured
  • Time of day and where you are both play a role.
  • Where one can get a new set of keys made (automotive, dealer, locksmith etc.)
  • The existence of a code that can be used to create a new key
  • whether or not the original ignition

The most significant things to consider when determining whether or not you require a chip, smart fob, “push to start” button, remote, or standard “non-transponder” key are the sort of key you previously owned and year the vehicle was made. The more recent the vehicle, the more advanced the safety features built into the key are. Therefore, if you have an older model, you should anticipate spending more than $250 to get a replacement key.

Another factor that affects the cost is the location of the car key replacement. Where did you get your replacement key? Did you get it from an automobile locksmith or the dealership? Or did you just get online?

In most cases, the dealer will charge a fee that is approximately 10 to 15 percent lower than what a locksmith might charge for replacing the lost key. However, in order to programme the special key or remote, you will most likely be required to tow the vehicle there. Because of this, the overall cost is typically increased.

Also, keep in mind that the price of getting a locksmith to come out and cut you a new copy outside of normal business hours may be higher than the price during those hours.

In conclusion, there is a possibility that the key code will not be of any help to you if you have already had your key cylinder rebuilt. This is something that happens quite frequently in older models of vehicles. In these circumstances, the key will either need to be physically cut by a locksmith or the ignition will need to be changed again; the dealer will not be able to assist you in either of these situations.

Key fob replacement tips for Range Rover – Before and after getting a new key fob, inquire and verify:

When replacing a key fob, consumers often fail to ask the  locksmith about important items. We compiled the most important facts and advice to ensure your success.

  1. Get your Range Rover key fob’s code. Each key fob has a unique code that locksmiths  use to match ignition, door, and trunk cylinders.

Each car’s code is unique. Before cutting a new key fob, the locksmith or distributor must spend up to $100 to retrieve the key code from Land Rover’s database. Keep this key code securely. In the future, replacing your Range Rover key fob will be cheaper and faster.

  • Make sure they cut you an emergency key that works on the doors and trunk. Every key fob has an emergency key attached. If the car’s battery dies, the emergency key will work.

Locksmiths and dealers neglect to cut an emergency key when programming a new key fob. Make sure the emergency key opens all doors and the trunks to avoid a lockout. Like a home key, it should work effortlessly. Check it out yourself.

  • Know the battery in your Range Rover key fob. All key fobs are battery-powered. Keep a spare battery of the right type. (LR key fobs utilise CR-2032 batteries)