Smart Locks Vs. Traditional Locks: Which Is Safer?

The worst thing that could happen is that someone attempted to enter your home, or maybe they were successful. You’ve contacted the emergency Dubai locksmith they’re taking care of safe repairs, and now you have to decide on the type of locks you’d like to install on your door to replace the ones that are damaged. There are two types of locks – traditional locks and smart locks. What is the best option?

What Are the Traditional Locks?

If you visited homes in Brighton, Crawley, Haywards Heath, Worthing, or Hove, Most homes would have what’s known to be traditional locks. There are many variations of them, and they were the only ones offered until the advent of smart locks. They are not controlled locks that require manual operation for the lock to be operating.

In most cases, traditional locks from locksmith in Dubai have keys that lock and unlock them. Rim locks for pin tumblers mortise locks are a couple of such instances. A pin tumbler is among the more widely utilized locks, and you will find spring-loaded pins inserted into cylinders that rotate when the appropriate key is inserted into the lock to lock or open.

How Secure are Traditional Locks?

Anyone who can look up information online and have a bit of knowledge can select the most traditional locks. Certain deadbolt locks are difficult to choose, and with correct installation, you will make it more difficult to select an ordinary lock. Alongside picking locks, those trying to gain entry often employ brute force to open an entry point. This can be accomplished with appropriate tools or simply knocking on the door. A strike plate installed by locksmith in Dubai can make it more difficult to use force to open the front door.

Certain deadbolts are more secure than others. They can be issued an ANSI grade 1 rating. This indicates they are of the highest security. Even with the best conventional locks, the addition of strike plates or a longer deadbolt throw is often required to secure them. Also, it is possible to search at locks that are impervious to locks being picked bumped into, as well as other methods to break through the locks. Although traditional locks provided by Dubai locksmith can be highly safe, they may have less security than smart locks. It may not matter according to the type of lock you pick as well as the conventional lock that you select.

What is Smart Lock?

Smart locks are the latest kind of lock designed for the safety and convenience of the user. They are typically controlled with your smartphone or another type of mobile device’s fob, security code, fob, and key cards. The increased convenience and efficiency have seen many building owners in commercial buildings move towards smart locks. For example, instead of keeping track of multiple keys, which are easily lost, users can open their mobile, access the app, and use their technology to unlock the lock using a passcode—no more concerned about misplacing keys!

Smart locks are wonderful as they are convenient, but they have drawbacks. If you don’t have more security measures in your software, advanced hackers can hack into smart locks. A Dubai locksmith from our team can help you determine which lock is most appropriate for your business according to the particular requirements compatible with their expertise and experience. The key point to note is that conventional locks can be manually locked and unlocked with the use of a key, whereas smart locks can be open and shut using fobs, keypad codes app, or key card.

How Secure are Smart Locks?

If you look at the simplest smart locks, they’re just the automated equivalent of the traditional lock. The mechanism for locking could be similar, but it can be operated electronically and remotely. What differentiates smart locks is the kind of interaction required compared to conventional locks. Although smart locks allow accessibility and can be locked from any location, even when you don’t secure them, they’re quite similar to traditional locks in terms of security. Since most smart locks function using a traditional deadbolt, they’re just the same as conventional locks.

The only drawback you’ll discover in comparing the smart lock with standard locks lies in the additions you can add to secure them. Certain smart locks cannot be combined with certain other functions due to the way they’re designed. Traditional locks from locksmith in Dubai are more suited to modifications when you wish to increase security.

Smart Lock vs. The Traditional Lock Price

In general, smart locks are generally costly than traditional locks, as well as this could be a significant aspect of your choice. Therefore, we’ll go through the general costs and what you can expect in return. (This does not take into the expense of hiring a locksmith to replace or install your locks.) Following the type of door you are using, the lock you purchase will differ. 

The cost of a replacement for the cylinder on a door begins at just $25 for the most basic lock. The price can increase for a wooden door since you’ll probably require a Yale locks replacement. You can replace the cylinder yourself if you have the Yale Lock, which starts at just $15. If you’re looking to have the entire lock and the backset replaced, the cost begins at $35.

If you are looking for high-security locks, then prices will go upwards. There is no doubt that smart locks cost more than traditional ones. The lowest cost for a smart Lockout available is around $200 at locksmith in Dubai. The more popular brands for smart locks are $300-$500. It would help if you considered whether the added price is worthwhile. But you’ll get all the benefits: you can lock and unlock your home anywhere in the world, send your loved one’s virtual keys, and get notifications regarding who is entering and who is leaving.

Smart locks use the same mechanism as traditional locks, which means you’re paying more for convenience. If you’re looking to spend more money on home security, you may prefer investing in the entire home security system, which includes motion detectors, cameras, along with an alarm.


The traditional locks have been tried and tested throughout decades of use, making it easy for homeowners to choose the lock brands they have faith in. This has allowed manufacturers to design stronger, more durable locks and resistant to any attack an intruder could throw at them. Furthermore, homeowners can make changes or additions to their locks by the help of Dubai locksmith, which will make them more durable. They could add security pins, increase the length of the deadbolt longer, or utilize longer screws to fix the lock to make it resistant to force traumas that are blunt or other, etc.

Smart locks, on the contrary, are in use for only a short time. Within the timeframe, their weaknesses have significantly outweighed their advantages. It’s not to say that they aren’t excellent; they are, however, they are focused on convenience, integration, and ease of use instead of security. This means that smart locks will fight for security in two areas, the physical one and the cyber side. At present, it’s not something they’ve handled quite well.