Things Suggested by Locksmith in Dubai That You Must do to get Back Inside Locked Car

As a car driver, one of the worst things you can do is lock your keys in your car. We’ve all been there. It’s not always on a day where we have nothing to do. It’s always when our kids are running late, or we need to pick them up. Instead of becoming so frustrated and pulling out your hair, it’s better to take a deep breath and remain calm. It is important not to damage your car or injure yourself and call locksmith in Dubai. Here are some tips to help you get into your car again safely and get back to the things you need to do quickly.

Car Lock Out – Locksmith in Dubai

You Must ensure that There is no Alternate Way to get Back in Your Car

At this point, the last thing you need to hear is that your car needs to be checked and that your keys have been left behind. As if you needed a reminder about the state of your car and current situation? Don’t let frustration over losing your keys in your car take you down. Sometimes, the solution to your problem might be closer than what you realize. Sometimes drivers overlook the simplest of solutions, thinking they can find great and complex solutions to their problems. This is where it’s worth taking the time to make sure your vehicle is accessible. It can save you time and money. You should ensure that your vehicle has no other entry points before looking for key maker near me.

Try Using Shoelaces

Car Unlock by Locksmith in Dubai
Car Unlock by Locksmith in Dubai

Although the shoelace method is not guaranteed to work, it may work for some cars. This method works best if you have a pull-up lock mechanism and not an electronic lock. You don’t need that type of lock, so you might want to consider one of our other ideas. This might work if you have the lock.

Try Using the Coat Hanger

Car Unlocking Without Key - Locksmith in Dubai
Car Unlocking Without Key – Locksmith in Dubai

A coat hanger is one of the oldest ways to get in a car before going to the key maker. This was a method used by thieves to gain access to cars. This trick can be used in certain vehicles, but it’s not only for movies. You can stretch an old-fashioned wire coat hanger, and curve it as a fish hook, provided your car has a manual lock. You can create a cleaner hook with a pair of needle-nosed pliers. It would be best to mold the hanger to form a V shape.

The hanger can be inserted between your window and the rubber seal at its base. It’s possible to get the hanger down to the door frame. If not, you can do some fishing to locate the lock pin to pull it up. It may be easier if your window is open. In that case, you can simply place the coat hook inside the window.

Try Using the Plastic Strip

This is the easiest. Take a piece of plastic, bend it in half, push it through the door jamb, and then hook it with a lock. It is important to remember that plastic is slippery, so it can be difficult to grasp the lock while pushing it up and hooking it up. You can call locksmith in Dubai if this technique fails.

Try Using Bobby Pins

This old-school trick can be used on manual car locks by drivers with no other options than bobby pins or time. The first pin should be bent at 90 degrees. Next, pull the second pin apart by slightly bending one of the tips. The bent side of your first pin should be placed in the lock. Stick the second pin directly into the lock. Keep the first pin in place and move the second one inside the lock until the lock clicks open. If you do this wrongly, it could cause damage to your car. You can call someone for help if you are worried about the damage.

Try Using a Rod and Screwdriver

This is risky as it could cause damage to your car’s exterior and interior. Sometimes, however, such steps are necessary. The method is simple: insert the screwdriver in the door’s wedge and create a gap. Push the rod inside the lock to move it. Calling Dubai locksmith is also a wise option if you are not successful opening the car’s door.

Try Using Inflatable Bags and Car Keys

This is the best method for those who love their car too much to use a screwdriver. The principle of this inflatable bag is the same as that of the screwdriver mostly used by locksmith near me. Inflate the bag, place it on the door-line and then unlock the car using a rod. This bag has the greatest benefit of not causing any damage to your car’s body. However, it can be very costly.

Call Roadside Assistance

If safety is not a concern, call roadside assistance. This will be covered under your vehicle warranty or vehicle insurance. It is not unusual for assistance to arrive in 30 minutes or more. You will need to pay for the unlocking of your car; the most common deductibles are AED 100-AED 150. This is still the easiest way to get in your car and back on track.

Call Locksmith in Dubai

Do not attempt to open your car’s lock using a DIY approach. This could cause irreversible damage. If you’re unable to gain access to your car via an alternate point of entry and don’t possess a spare key, it is time to call a professional locksmith. They will have all the tools and equipment necessary to unlock your car’s lock without causing any harm to it. Some drivers are reluctant to ask for help because of the additional costs and the embarrassment of admitting that they left their keys in their vehicle. Unlocking your automobile may be expensive, so be prepared to pay at least some of the expense of hiring duplicate key makers near me.


No one likes being locked out of their car. You may think there is nothing you could do when you realize you’ve lost your keys to your car. But if you remain calm and find the right resources like calling locksmith in Dubai, you will soon be back in your car. You must take a few precautionary measures and know what to do in such an emergency to get you back into your vehicle as quickly as possible.