Top 8 Places Where You Should Never Hide the Keys – A Locksmith Dubai Guide

Your security at home depends not just on doors and locks but also on your keys. It’s been a standard habit for homeowners to keep keys in different locations where they think only they will have the keys. But, these days, criminals might already be aware of where to locate keys to gain access and take over your home. It is essential to give the top priority to the security of your home as locksmith Dubai recommends, and this includes the keys. One thing that’s often ignored is that keys to your house are kept in extremely susceptible places.

It is essential to recognize that you need to pick an area of protection that nobody will attempt to enter when searching for keys. It is important to recognize these mistakes of hiding keys to help secure your home from unwanted guests. These are eight locations where you shouldn’t keep your keys to your home.

Under the Doormats

Hidden Key Under the Doormat - Locksmith Dubai
Hidden Key Under the Doormat – Locksmith Dubai

Over the years, doormats have been one of the most popular places for keys to be hidden. The security of keys placed under a doormat is highly in danger. What is the reason people keep keys in the doormat? Do not follow their lead if you truly want your home to be more secure than ever. Be aware that anyone could climb a doormat to get your key. If you’d like to store your keys beneath the doormat, ensure that you’re prepared to call a locksmith Dubai because there’s a chance that you’ve stolen keys and will require new keys to gain access.

Flowerpot near the door

Hiding Key Under the Flowerpot - Locksmith Dubai
Hiding Key Under the Flowerpot – Locksmith Dubai

This hideout is nearly as well-known as the mat for welcoming guests. Anyone who is a thief will inspect all planters, mats, as well as statues, and pots at the entrance before assuming there is no key. Burglars will look around areas that are within 12 feet of your home for keys that are hidden. Why? Because when we store keys, We often don’t think about the chance of them being discovered; we think of the convenience. We want them to be simple to locate in the event of a lockout. This can also make it easy for the burglar to track them down and destroy your purchase from the large basket from Dubai locksmith.

Instead of the flower pot, try selecting a location at least 20 feet from the door and then hiding it under or in a lawn Fixture like one of the many garden gnomes inside an imitation sprinkler head or even inside an animal house. You can be imaginative with it but bear in mind that it shouldn’t be evident or make a statement.

Under Trash Bins

You may have noticed that there is a trend of hiding keys in objects outside of your home is not a good idea. And trash bins are another instance of this. Although the capacity of some trash containers could make them appear to be an ideal place to hide, they’re not this. They are easily moved and are usually moved every couple of weeks after they are empty. The key will be exposed, or it could have been dumped under the bin while empty and then smuggled away. Do not mistake putting your keys in one of your garbage bins by following the advice of locksmith Dubai.

Inside Your Wallet

It’s not a wise decision to put the key in your wallet. If you lose your wallet, you’ll lose your cash, identification cards, and access to your home—the loss of all that once is an unforgiving experience for anyone. Be more cautious and avoid putting everything in one tiny wallet. The person who picks up the wallet could access personal details, particularly your address, via your IDs. If they do, your home will be in danger when they have the keys! So, you must timely contact a locksmith in Dubai to install a keyless lock to avoid this insecurity.

Beneath a Rock

Hiding Key Under the Rock - Locksmith Dubai
Hiding Key Under the Rock – Locksmith Dubai

Many people use rocks to use as their place of hidden keys. However, this is quite frequent. Although some people place fake rocks on their property and hide their treasures under those rocks, the most sophisticated criminals or burglars will be thinking of this. Your home’s security remains in danger, and you need to contact a locksmith near me.

In the Grill

The backyard barbecue is another popular place to hide that criminals often look for. This could be because it’s made of steel, making it the perfect place to place an electronic key box. Although this spot might not be as easy or convenient to reach, a determined person is not afraid to go to the backyard and check the grill. And due to this, you might need a door lock change to reinsure the security.

Near the Door

The most popular location to hide keys is by the door to the front, which is not recommended by the locksmith Dubai. This can be beneath a doormat inside a nearby flowerpot or inside the small, hidden rock. Many prefer to keep keys close to the front door to ease of access, and most thieves are aware that this is a common practice when you leave a key in a location that is easily accessible to people who reside in the home, leave the key in a handy location to a burglar.

Under a Bumper

A spare key hidden under the vehicle’s bumper, which is hardly ever moved from its place in the driveway, is very certain. This is because of the widespread use of magnetic key boxes. It’s fairly easy for people to drive into a driveway when there is no one home and feel under a vehicle that isn’t moving which was supposed to go to the car key maker near me.


You don’t want to be shut out from your home as your keys were taken from your place of hiding. You’ll require locksmith services to return inside your home. You can save time and money by not placing your keys in often used places. Be sure to consider accessibility, proximity, and security when hiding your keys. Consider imagining you as an intruder to ensure you know what they’d do to locate your keys. The location of your hiding place must be a secret to your family and you. It should be among the most secretive secrets shared by the entire family.