What is the transponder key?

Transponder devices are the tools that have installed microchips inside them. These microchips are capable of sending low-level signals to their corresponding remote receiver. This phenomenon of signal transmission is known as transmission or responding, and it used extensively by locksmith Dubai. The manufacturer of the key program the microchip with a unique serial number. This serial number can be detected for unlocking the system with the advanced technology of radio frequency identification. The applications of a transponder key are similar to key fobs, and it is used in car locks and home security systems. The main purpose of using a transponder is to prevent auto-theft.

History of Transponder Key

Transponder devices were first used during the critical time of World War II. this innovative technology was first utilized for identifying the enemy planes from the friendly planes within a particular radar. The military forces during the war used to transmit signals within planes. These transponder devices are also used in modern military aviation. However, with the pace of time, these devices have been transformed into keys for preventing auto-theft of cars and vehicles. These keys were tested in all the German and non-German models of cars and approved for market use. Nowadays, all the big brands such as Nissan, Ford, Toyota, BMW, Chevrolet uses transponder keys and all the reputed locksmith in Dubai uses this technology.

Operating Principle of Transponder Keys

Transponder keys have microchips installed into them, the microchips are programmed with unique serial number. Applying the theories of radiofrequency distribution, the remote key unlocks the serial number. The transponder keys do not possess batteries, they work on radio signals emitted by the car. Therefore, people losing car keys keep on wondering about the efficient car key maker near me. The car emits very low radio signals, and when the key is near the close vicinity of the car, it activates the key. When the car owner inserts the key, these radio signals are then grasped by the receiver. This receiver is located very near to the ignition chamber. The digitally inscribed serial number on the microchip should match with the programming done with the receiver, in order to start the car. The door unlocking and locking do not require transponder keys, but to start the engine, transponder keys are a must.

Security of Transponder Keys

Transponder keys are highly secure. They have high programming done inside the keys and the cars. The key comes in pair with the car and the car will only get started with those keys. The users may lose the keys or the keys might be stolen and they might need to search for the key maker near me. A very highly skilled and technologically advanced professional can detect this unique code enabled microchip to unlock the receiver inside the car. The virtually unique digital ID present inside the transponder key is much safe than normal keys, which can be easily forged for duplication. Therefore, transponder keys are highly secure than manual car keys.

Benefits of Transponder Keys

Transponder keys protect the car and automobiles from auto-theft and provide additional security measures for protection against robbery and pilferage. It has the following benefits:

  1. Transponder keys are used to start the automobile. It is not needed to lock or unlock the door. Therefore, if a robber or thief enters the car, they will not be able to make an impact on the engine of the car. The car will not start without a transponder key.
  2. If any thrive decides to tow the car away instead of driving, then the transponder key needs programming from the receiver’s end inside the car to get is started. This process is cumbersome and often thieves get caught when duplicating the unique serial number of the microchip inside the original key. This job is excellently taken care of by locksmith services.
  3. Transponder key has special and unique serial numbers inscribed into them that will open only a particular car. Manufactures prepare two keys for each car and this unique serial number is very difficult to replicate. Thereby, transponder keys cannot be duplicated for getting easy access to the car.
  4. Transponder keys are also programmed with an alarming system. These keys can be used to open and lock the door of cars. The key can identify its original car within the crowd, and most importantly, if anyone forcefully tries to open the door, the alarm system makes a sound for any unauthorized entry.
  5. The transponder keys are very convenient and user-friendly. The working method is the same as the normal keys. The user needs to push a button to open the door and then start the vehicle by inserting the key. The Dubai locksmith services are experts in the development of car transponder keys.

Transponder Key Reprogramming

The reprogramming of a transponder key for any car can be done very easily. The chip present inside the transponder key can be programmed without any existence of the original key. Whenever the transponder is lost, the owner needs to search for a locksmith near me and then take the car to a trusted locksmith, and with professional precision, any specialized locksmith of cars can solve the issue. They will find out the code required by the receiver inside the car for starting, then will prepare the code and copy the same into a blank key. The blank key should be new and unprogrammed previously by locksmith Dubai. However, this process requires a professional and trustworthy locksmith service. The user should be aware of the aftermarket of car keys and purloining activities.

Replacement Keys

Replacement keys are needed for the restoration of the original transponder key. The keys are stolen, misplaced, or broken by the car owners and then they opt for an online search engine for a duplicate key maker near me to find a methodical and businesslike locksmith. It should be kept in mind that the cost will be much higher than normal keying and it requires special equipment and programming.

Transponder keys are a useful component for the safety and security of an automobile and the technology has become an indispensable part of the automobile industry.