What to Do When Keys are Locked in the Trunk? A Locksmith in Dubai Guide

Getting your keys locked in the trunk is not a minor issue. It’s not a little annoyance at all. That’s something we would not want to happen to our family or us. First, double-check that you did lock your keys in your trunk; obviously, you may have already done so, but we all make mistakes from time to time; thus, double-check that you did not bring them inside the home with groceries or left them on the sofa, among other things. Having car keys is vital to getting around in your daily life since they allow one to get into your car and get things done. In this article, expert locksmith in Dubai have discussed all you need to know when getting your keys locked in the trunk.

Car Key Locked inside the trunk - Locksmith in Dubai
Car Key Locked inside the trunk – Locksmith in Dubai

The reality is that most people will have a vehicle key emergency at some stage of life. We can assure you that we have dealt with more than our fair share of similar incidents. As a result, if you’ve mistakenly locked your keys in your trunk, we won’t hold it against you. Drivers frequently experience the frustration of having their keys locked in the boot of their vehicle. Understandably, you would be frantic to find a speedy solution if your keys were unintentionally locked in your truck. Here are a few pointers from our experts on what to do if something like this happens to you.

Get The Extra Keys

Consider that it could take anything between one and two hours for a technician to arrive at your location. It is possible that they will be unable to assist once they come. You could have received the backup keys in less time and for less money if you had committed the time and money to do so. The following are some things you should keep in mind: Is there anyone you know who has accessibility to the spare keys and who would be willing to bring them to you? Example: If your spare set is a house with your partner and they are far less than an hour away, it may be preferable to call them after you have contacted locksmiths in Dubai.

Order a Replacement Key

This will not be a quick procedure, and you will need to have your vehicle’s VIN as well as evidence of ownership on hand to begin. If you purchased your vehicle from a reputable dealership, they must assist you with your problem. While they may be able to complete the task in a matter of days, the process could take many weeks. In the interim, you’ll have to pay to get the vehicle towed to your location, which will add to the cost of the situation.

Override The Trunk Release

Getting into your car with a conventional locksmith in Dubai is one thing; getting into your car’s trunk is quite another story entirely. It is intended to be safe, making it difficult for thieves to get entry and, as a result, difficult for you to gain entry if you attempt to break into your automobile. Here’s all you need to know about the situation. Use your smartphone to look for vehicle Dubai locksmiths in your immediate vicinity. If you’ve tried everything else and still can’t get your keys out of your locked trunk, you should look for a car unlock service in your area. The cost of unlocking your trunk will vary depending on several factors, including the vehicle’s location, the time of day or night, and the locksmith in Dubai you hire.

Break Into the Trunk

The locksmith who attempted to assist us told us of an incident identical to ours that occurred several months ago. The driver could not get into the trunk since he didn’t have a spare key, and he was in a tremendous rush to get home before the sunset. As a result, he instructed the locksmith Dubai to utilize his tools to access the trunk through the rear seats of the vehicle. When they finally got inside the trunk, they had caused quite a bit of damage. The customer said he would purchase a new back seat when they returned home. That’s a costly solution, but if it’s one you believe is required, you might want to examine it.

Make Certain That This Does not Happen Again

One of the most straightforward ways to ensure that this never happens to you is to ensure that your keys are in your pockets or another secure place before opening the trunk at any time. Accidents do happen, so make sure you have a backup plan in place. You may wish to have a spare key hidden inside the car so that no one will know where it is. As soon as a locksmiths Dubai has successfully gotten you into your car, you will be able to switch off the alarm and open the trunk once more, saving time and money.

Another method is to keep a spare key hidden in a magnetic strongbox beneath the car’s floorboard. There are several disadvantages to doing so. For starters, a burglar might be able to locate it, but the chances are good that they won’t even bother looking for it because, so few people do so. Second, it may come loose, especially if you travel through rough terrain. Just keep in mind that locking your keys in the trunk is very different from locking your keys in the vehicle’s main body. Prepare yourself for a significant amount of time and effort to be spent correcting your dumb mistake.