Why Should you Secure Your Backyard Sliding Door?

Adding a sliding glass door to your patio or backyard is the perfect way to enjoy the beautiful sunshine by bringing the beauty of the great outdoors inside, without the problem of pesky bugs and garden snakes. This extra entry point into your home can provide you beautiful views, but sliding doors are susceptible to unwarranted home invasions and break-ins.

While a sliding backyard door is an easy solution for you to access your backyard, it also offers easy access to potential burglars and attackers. Home invaders can go to any length to access your house, and sliding patio doors are one of the weakest security points.

The Problems of Sliding Glass Doors

Sliding glass doors use latches, not the traditional locks. Most patio doors come with their traditional ‘easy-locking’ latch system, which doesn’t provide any form of home security. Easily operable locks like these are vulnerable to easy break-ins; even the most inexperienced burglars know how to access your home through an unsecured back door.

Another favorite break-in technique of burglars is shattering the glass of your sliding door with a classic brick throw. Sliding glass doors are super smashable, and the glass partition also provides a perfect inside view to your intruder. Desperate situations might force thieves and vandals to gain entry to your home in this most obtrusive way.

In addition to this, intruders can also gain entry through sliding doors by lifting the door out of its door track, a technique also known as “jimmying.” Home invaders can easily get access by rocking the door off its tracks, which makes additional security systems all the more important.

Ways to Secure Your Sliding Glass Door

You don’t have to give up the convenience and beauty of sliding glass doors for the sake of home security. One can easily reinforce the security of the backyard glass door by making a few changes.

1.   Install an Additional Locking System

Most standard factory sliding glass doors come with flippable latches that aren’t usually of the highest quality. Professional locksmiths are experienced in providing security solutions by assessing whether the glass door needs additional reinforcement or a replacement. 

It is advised to replace the original lock with a better locking system for better protection. Installing additional locks on your sliding patio doors will secure your home from the back, and provide complete home security.

2.   Add Shatterproof Window Film

Security window film is a thin, polyethylene coating that prevents your shattered glass doors from completely falling apart, making it difficult for burglars to intrude. It is not designed to make your door unbreakable, but it adds that extra level of protection from break-ins.

3.   Install Blocking Bars

To protect your sliding door from getting uprooted from the door track, you can install a metal rod for added security. Having an additional physical barrier along the sliding door’s bottom track makes it impossible to uplift and push the door aside.

For a modern approach, you can always install a monitored alarm system to address your home security concerns.

With a few simple security measures, you can achieve the peace of mind you desire. To ensure your property is as secure as possible, consider getting professional help from expert locksmiths at Locksmith Dubai.

With more than 10 years of experience, they are one of the most reliable locksmith service providers in Dubai. Their lock installation services by expert technicians are available 24/7, and one can easily select from their diverse range of high-security locks.

From double-bolted door locks to smart locks for sliding glass doors, Locksmith Dubai provides customized security solutions that complement your lifestyle.